
A private journal with AI insights.

Thoughtful Journaling

Pen down your emotions and experiences in a secure space with Basal's intuitive design, making daily journaling effortless.

AI-Driven Insights

Receive mental coach-like summaries and insights on your journal entries, helping you understand emotional patterns and personal growth areas.

Personalized Daily Prompts

Engage with daily prompts generated based on your entries, encouraging reflection and mindfulness for self-awareness and growth.

Therapy Modalities Exploration

Experiment with various therapy techniques and philosophies within the app, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Affirmation Exercises

Partake in affirmation exercises from different therapy modalities to build positive habits and perspectives tailored to your needs.

Cross-Platform Accessibility

Use Basal on iOS, Android, Mac OS, and the web with all your data synced across platforms.

Secure and Transparent Privacy

Your journal entries are safeguarded with robust security measures, including tight database security rules and SSL encryption.

Multilingual Summaries

Receive summaries and prompts in the same language as your journal entries, making Basal more accessible and personalized.

Support Mental Health for All

Contribute to making mental health support affordable for everyone by upgrading to the Plus plan and supporting Basal's development.

Mood Tracking (coming)

Track and visualize your emotional journey over time with Basal's mood tracking feature, gaining valuable insights into your emotional well-being.

Upgrade to Plus

Unlock AI insights from a diverse range of therapy modalities and philosophies. You can explore different types of therapy approaches to guide you in your journaling.

Monthly Plan


Yearly Plan
